Grab your tablets and over-sized styluses; it’s time to design some theories!

 Theory Template and Submission
The ability to submit theory designs, for those who have them as part of their KS/Paypal package, is now available and can be done from here:
After clicking redeem, a popup box will appear which has a link to the theory template. Some basic instructions are included in the template along with character limits for titles and descriptions.
The popup box has a file upload button to submit a completed theory template and hitting continue will upload it and finalize the redemption.
The livestream will be held on March 1st at 1PM EST. A countdown timer can be found here:
The livestream will be split into 2 parts. Pyro will be back with me in the first part and he will be designing Cauldron-born, Acean and Human theories to show off the design process. This will be made into a Youtube video with various steps or phases and will later be up on the redemption page.
The second part of the livestream will be a theory design Q&A which will also be made into a separate Youtube video and also available from the redemption page.
We’re hoping to do a component/artifact one and a prototype for the two following weekends but it will depend on Pyro’s availability. After all the livestreams are completed, we’ll be running both Q&A/workshops and direct one on ones via Mumble on weekends.
Mumble can be found here: