Community: Infiltrator Program

We recently sent out our first wave of public infiltrator invites and we are really excited about the response we have had from the community.

The new infiltrators have been doing a wonderful job at pushing the limits of the current build of Novus Aeterno. With the positive response we have gotten from the new Infiltrators we have made a decision regarding the future of the Infiltrator Program.

Firstly we would like to confirm that EVERYONE who has previously signed up WILL be invited to join the infiltrators. We have however decided on a cut-off date for any new infiltrator applications.

Any person who has not signed up for the infiltrator program will still have time to do so. The cut-off date for any NEW infiltrator applications will be on Wednesday the 30th of October at 1am GMT.

This means that EVERYONE who has previously signed up will be invited into the Infiltrator Program but we will not be accepting any new infiltrator applications after the cut-off time. This choice was made due to the amazing work that the current infiltrators are doing. So all previously signed up Infiltrators can be rest assured that they will be receiving their invites into the Infiltrator Program.

The current group of Infiltrators are continuously working along side the Developers. We expected the numbers of active players to dwindle down after the invitations were sent out; this however did not happen. The player numbers are staying strong and we are thankful for the endless stream of feedback and support we are getting from them.

So if you have not signed up for the Infiltrator Program then you have some time left to do so. You can sign up here.

We would like to ask everyone who signed up for the Infiltrator Program during PAX and Gamecom to please sign up again; just to be safe. We are a small team working on Novus and we do have moments when things can get a bit disorganized.

We would like to thanks all the new infiltrators for their help and support in making Novus the best it can be and we look forward to adding more players into Novus Aeterno as we move forward.