Developer Updates: Developer Blog #20

Saturday Night Live Stream!

This week’s livestream will being an hour early!!

The livestream will start at 9PM GMT on

As always we ask everyone to leave their questions and comments in the comment section, which we will answer and discuss during the livestream!

Our previous livestream is up on Youtube if you missed it!


What we are working on!

We are currently spending most of our time working on physics systems. This is a massive step forward in development which will allow us to implement various special “Areas” of space.

Asteroid Fields, Gas clouds, Dust fields, Comets, these are just some of what we wish to implement in the near future.

This will also allow us to implement a system we are extremely excited about: Mining.

Players will be able to mine asteroids for resources and transport them back to their planets; just watch out for players wishing to raid your cargo vessels. These elements will also affect your units in different ways, which will allow for more strategic gameplay as players will be able to hide their fleets within some of these anomalies.

We posted this image yesterday on our Facebook page. It is the first of the deploy-able units which will be implemented into Novus AEterno.

This is a probe which a player will be able to deploy. Once deployed the probe will give a large radius of vision to the owner. The probe is unarmed and will be unable to defend itself if threatened.

The Novus AEterno universe is a pretty big place. This is why we are constantly working on designing and implementing new visuals for the planets within the universe. Here are two images of one of the latest planet designs we have implemented into the game.



Thursday Night Mosh Pit!!

The next mosh pit will be taking place on Thursday the 7th of August! Make sure you update your client and meet us in-game. Also keep an eye out on our Facebook page for further information!

Novus AEterno Quest Submissions!

The Novus AEterno Quest Competition is still underway!!

We will be voting on the winners during the next Livestream which will take place in 2 weeks.

We are looking for shorts stories, which will be used to lead into the beginning of different quest chains. These quest stories need to remain quite short, while retaining all the information needed to begin the quest and get the quest completed.

Your quest ideas can be submitted in the linked forum thread: