Kickstarter: Kickstarter Launches Tomorrow!

Novus AEterno will be hitting Kickstarter tomorrow; the 19th of November.

Remember, this Kickstarter will be the only time that you will be able to get your hands on the exclusive “Infiltrator” Dreadnought and a lot of other goodies. The Infiltrator dreadnought will be limited to everyone who has contact with Novus AEterno in the past as well as backs us on any tier of our Kickstarter.

We are really excited to get our Kickstarter going and we encourage everyone who has supported us over the last 7 years to please support us in making this Kickstarter successful by backing us as early in the campaign as possible.

Early backers show other potential backers that there is interest in the game, and that will help us getting more people to back Novus AEterno. The more backers we get the better it will be for Novus AEterno.

We want to make the best possible game we can and with your help and support from the start we can.